Final Poetry

An entry in the C++wtf segment

  • 2 minutes to read

The C++ standards committee is very strongly against producing any kind of breaking changes when considering new language features – especially keywords. Over the course of standardization, this has lead to terms like auto being repurposed, or awkward keywords like co_await and co_yield being introduced in C++20 to avoid breaking a handful of projects in the world that might possibly be using await or yield in their vocabulary.

A notable byproduct that comes from this is that some things we take for granted in every day modern C++ may not actually be keywords in the sense that you would expect. For example, both final and override are not actually keywords at all!

These are context-sensitive specifiers, rather than official keywords. This means that their functionality only applies when found in a very specific place, but otherwise allows for their names to be used in any other context – such as variable names, function names, and even type names!

This allows for the following program to be completely syntactically valid, against all logical reason:

struct final final {
  final(final&&) : final{}{}
} final;
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This creates a final type named final and also creates an object of said type which is also named final. This is C++’s equivalent of the buffalo buffalo sentence or the shi shi shi poem , and I think that’s beautiful. Of course, save this in the back of your mind as an esoteric fact about C++ – and don’t spring this in any professional code, or you might have some very upset maintainers!

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