Builder Pattern: Expressing ownership transfer

A simple underused approach to express moving members out of an object

  • 7 minutes to read

The Builder pattern is a common design in software development for late-binding inputs to allow for iterative construction. This pattern, when applied in c++, leaves one very obvious question: Can we present this to consumers in an optimal way?

More specifically: when we call build(), should we be moving any temporary internal state, or copy it? Can we express both in a safe and idiomatic way to consumers?

This was a problem I faced in a personal project of mine where I was using a builder pattern for producing a Mesh object for the purpose of rendering. I wanted to allow for the client to call build() in one of two ways:

  1. To cheaply create a Mesh object by moving the internals of the existing builder (no copies, but destructively mutates the builder), and
  2. To optionally create a Mesh without moving the internals of the builder, so that the builder may safely be reused.

I wanted this to be expressed in a safe and C++-idiomatic fashion.


The primary goal is to create a builder pattern that gives the user the opportunity to transfer ownership of internal resources while still conveying this to the caller in an idiomatic way.

This should support a potentially-destructive build() that is clear to the caller what the intent is to avoid potential use-after-moves errors.

For this post, I will be using a StringBuilder as an example of something that may potentially be an expensive object to copy in practice, and eliding such copies may be desirable.

Possible Options

There are a couple of obvious and straight-forward ways that this could be implemented which I will walk through first; however they each have hidden costs.

Presenting a const and non-const build() function

The simplest / easiest approach would be to offer two sets of functions as an overload set: one that copies, one that moves:

class StringBuilder
  auto build() -> std::string {
    return std::move(m_data); // move!
  auto build() const -> std::string {
    return m_data; // copy!

  std::string m_data;

The problem with this approach is subtle; if your local instance of StringBuilder is const, this will result in a copy – otherwise this will always destructively mutate causing future uses to be undefined behavior. This is not obvious from inspection, and would likely be missed on code-review:

auto builder = StringBuilder{};
auto s1 =;

// keep reusing builder
auto s2 =;

Did you catch that bug?

builder is a non-const StringBuilder object. The first call to will call the non-const-qualified overload of build(), resulting in std::move(m_data). This results in any future operations like builder.append(...) or the future call to be operating on a moved-from std::string object – which is undefined behavior!

This problem would be subtle, and easy to miss on reviews. Lets try a different approach.

Present differently named build() functions

The next logical progression from the first option is to distinguish the destructive build() function from the non-destructive build() function by simply naming them differently. For example, we could name one build() and the other build_destructive()

class StringBuilder
  auto build_destructive() -> std::string {
    return std::move(m_data); // move!
  auto build() const -> std::string {
    return m_data; // copy!

  std::string m_data;

This would make the use of the code a little more clear, which should hopefully avoid errors:

auto builder = StringBuilder{};
auto s1 = builder.build_destructive(); // <-- the bug is a little more obvious

// keep reusing builder
auto s2 =;

This now makes the bug from the first iteration a little more obvious – but with the one catch that you have to know the API to understand what it’s doing. This effectively forces a nomenclature on the codebase where only developers who are comfortable with the code or have read the documentation will be aware of what the distinction and repercussions are for this use.

A newcomer to your codebase might see build_destructive but not realize that this actually produces a possible error downstream; it isn’t idiomatic.

Perhaps we can find a better solution that the average modern C++ developer may catch?

Ref-qualifying functions

It turns out, c++11 actually offers something that would make this easier to catch from most general developers.

c++11 was one of the largest changes to the C++ programming language in decades, adding dozens of new language features that many developers don’t necessarily know about. Of these features is a peculiar new qualification to member functions called ref-qualified functions .

Similar to CV-qualifications, ref-qualifications allow you to designate non-static member functions that will be invoked based on whether a type is used from the context of an lvalue-reference, or an rvalue-reference.

As example, you can have:

struct Foo {
  void do_something() & { std::cout << "&-qualified" << std::endl; }
  //                  ^ - lvalue qualified
  void do_something() && { std::cout << "&&-qualified" << std::endl; }
  //                  ^~ - rvalue qualified

auto f = Foo{};
f.do_something();            // prints '&-qualfiied'
std::move(f).do_something(); // prints '&&-qualified'
Foo{}.do_something();        // prints '&&-qualified' (since this is a temporary)

This allows you to have different behavior based on whether it’s called from an rvalue context compare to an lvalue context.

Ref-qualified overloads are mostly seen in general-purpose utilities like std::optional to allow for the underlying data being accessed to have the same refness as the caller – but it turns out this same mechanism can be used to help us to develop clean, idiomatic APIs.

Applying ref-qualifications to our builder

So how can we now apply ref-qualifications to our builder?

Simple; we offer an overload set of the build() function, where one operates on a non-const rvalue (&&) qualified object, and the other operates on a const lvalue (&) qualified object. This is effectively fitting our first implementation with ref-qualifications:

class StringBuilder
  auto build() && -> std::string {
    //         ^~ --- new
    return std::move(m_data);
  auto build() const & -> std::string {
    //               ^ --- new
    return m_data; // copy!

  std::string m_data;

Lets take a look at how this changes our use of this code:

auto builder = StringBuilder{};
auto s1 = std::move(builder).build();

// keep reusing builder
builder.append(...); // <-- very clear use after move!
auto s2 =;

With this relatively simple transformation, we can now make detection of this use-after-move a lot more idiomatic and visible – even to developers who are unfamiliar with the current code.

In general, it’s safe to assume that std::move(x) will move the contents of x in some way. So it stands to reason that a call of std::move(builder).build() will also be idiomatic to assume that builder is somehow being destructively mutated after the call – which will result in a use-after-move. This now communicates the destructiveness from the API surface-area.

Similarly, a call of is safe to assume will not result in an use-after-move effects.

Ultimately, this approach actually lets us offer move-semantics in a way that won’t subtly break clients – all while still allowing for object reuse to consumers who desire it. It also forces the client of this API to think about what they are doing – since the only way to get the data out efficiently is to call std::move, which should be an early warning sign of its destructiveness.

Closing Remarks

The key take-away from this is that ref-qualified functions are powerful in their ability to express ownership transfer. Not only does this present a lightweight function to clients by allowing them to reuse the internal state of the object – it also allows this to be done so in an idiomatic way that would stand out to developers and static-analysis tools if misused.

Next time you want to allow both copying and moving of a class’ member, consider offering a ref-qualified overload set!

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